
Adding "Namaste" to Bachelorette Parties

As reported in theNew York Times today, more young brides are adding fitness to their bachelorette parties. And that includes yoga.Are you surprised?What surprises me (constantly, sigh) is the endless creative ways that entrepreneurs organize yoga for busy brides-to-be. Writes the Times:

It’s not just New Yorkers: The Los Angeles-based company Yoga for Weddings (slogan: “Bringing the Deep Breath to the Big Day”) offers private 90-minute classes, with a focus on “heart-opening poses” like the Cobra, for brides-to-be and their pals in nine United States cities (cost: $500). Innerlight Center for Yoga and Meditation in Middletown, R.I., started offering $200-an-hour bachelorette parties last year; already demand this year has tripled, said Kim Chandler, the center’s director.



That's a lot of cash for a little namaste with your girlfriends.... but it's about priorities.I'm guessing smart companies know that a few sweaty down dogs with your closest lady friends might work out better in the long run than a big drunken glitter-covered mess that you don't remember well even the next morning.

Wii Fit, Ewwwww

Wii Fit: the idea of it just reeks of gadget joy for shopping-channel aficionados. And fitness industry insiders with their spreadsheets oozing sumptuous numbers. If you've ever tried to do yoga from a video you know that it's just hard--uncomfortable and imperfect--to do it outside of a live, real-time classroom. Do you really want to be rated on your yoga practice? And by a machine? Talk about feeling like a number...

So far the reviews are mixed. From Om Yoga's founder and director Cyndi Lee, to game theory reporter for the NYTimes the reviews are not hot at all.

Not to bash those like who might like Wii Fit, like women caring for small children at home, but ew.
